Good morning! It’s an exciting, surreal, and somewhat tedious time for Deny Me, The Nightshade Boy. Cover is done, editor is done, ARC form is live, which means it’s all up to me, fine-tuning it for release over the next 6 weeks. Fussing with the illustrations, trying to figure out bonus content, CHANGING LUCIENNE’S NAME LIKE A PSYCHOPATH, going through Atticus for final edits of awkward sentences.
I have a book launch party location planned, took the day off from work for launch day, and ordered Andrew stickers and bookmarks yesterday.
I really want to just loosen up and do some fun sketches of characters from Deny Me that I can throw in the back but every time I sit down to draw, it’s hyper-productive instead of chill and fun.
I’m teaching Super Stories in two weeks which should honestly be a lot of fun, especially with how far my art has come in eight years and how much more capable I am of working with middle schoolers than I was the last time I taught. It’ll be fun to show some of the concept work from Deny Me, since I don’t think when I taught last that I was actively working on any projects, especially art-heavy projects.
Here’s a draft of a roadtrip pic of the Deny Me crew. The environment and lighting is taking forever.